Alfonso Mandara
Alfonso member of the bar in Rome since December of 1999 and he is a qualified higher court defense lawyer.
From 1999 to 2002 Alfonso has collaborate permanently in a well-known law firm in Rome specializing in labor law.
Since 2003, he deals with insurance law, especially problems connected with civil liability policies.
Since 2004 he has consultant for insurance brokers, specializing in sanitary risks (profession civil liability of doctors and RCT/O – third-party liability coverage in private medical centers) and industrial risks (construction sector – C.A.R. guarantees, insurance coverage former Italian law Merloni, etc.).
Alfonso gained considerable practice in elaboration of contractual conditions concerning insurance policies, also offering innovative solutions, which has been appreciated from Italian and foreign insurers.
Alfonso publishes opinions concerning problems’ sector in a famous internet portal used by insurance mediators.
Alfonso protected interests of insurance mediators ( agents and subagents) in disputes with principals.
Alfonso worked at IVASS (or ISVAP – Institution for the Supervision of Insurance ), both in reference to sanctioning proceedings against supervised entities, and participating (in the interest of insurance mediators and companies that operate in training) in public consultation procedures in preparation for the adoption of new regulatory standards.
In those years Alfonso has cultivated the inclination in labor law, helping primary companies in industrial sector, especially in cement industry sector, on disputes originated from business relationship. He protects interests of clients in civil and commercial law in general.