Nicola Francione
Civil lawyer, he has been practising since 1996 , he is qualified for higher court’s defense.
Nicola has gained extensive experience, judicial and non-litigation, in civil, commercial, industrial, real estate. He is specialized in Industrial and Intellectual Property (IP): brands, patents, models, designs, competition, new technology, media, advertising, creativity and talent protection, development of intangible asset value, formation and development of start-ups, leasing and transfer of rights and technologies, defense, judicial and non-litigation of these rights.
From 1996 to 2005 he has been associated with the law firm Francione-Ciuffa-Salemi in Rome. Nicola worked in different offices specialized in brands, patents and unfair competition. From 2005 to 2014 he led the law firm Francione in Rome and with 40-year tradition. For a few years he worked as external legal for companies of management of public housing (ERP).
Nicola collaborates with: AIPPI (Associazione Internazionale per la proprietà Intellettuale); IICA (Istituto Internazionale per il Consumo e l’Ambiente) to set up legal initiatives, study and in-depth analysis, consulting, conventions, meetings, seminars, about industrial property, media law, mobility and road safety, environment, real estate property, council for data security and privacy on the internet.
Nicola regularly carries out university activity with the chair of commercial and bankruptcy law (La Sapienza University in Rome, faculty of economic). He is co-organizer of the master in International Business Law (Department of law Economics of production activities, La Sapienza University, Rome), he is tutor and professor in modules of International Trial Law and Industrial Property (international design, guarantees and IP rights, copyright, European judicial order to pay, European enforcement order, exploitation of IP rights.
Nicola is author of various publications concerning misleading and comparative advertising, insolvency and intellectual property law.
Professional skills in English and Spanish. language